How is this component defined?  How is this component measured?
By 4 areas as defined by the Frameworks for Teaching: planning and preparation, instruction, classroom environment, and professional responsibilities Using the Framework for Teaching rubrics.

  • Administrative Walk-throughs
  • 3 observations by peer observer per year
  • 3 observations by administration per year (Teachers in first or second year at Bluffview)
  • 1 summative evaluation every three years
  • Teacher Portfolio (optional)
Student Engagement Within the classroom, teachers can influence student engagement through their relationships with students, and the relevance and rigor of their instruction.  Student engagement exists in multiple dimensions including affective, behavioral and cognitive. The Frameworks for Teaching contain descriptors focused on student engagement. Teachers may demonstrate their performance level on this descriptor through longitudinal data collected in the following ways:

  • Administrative or Peer observations
  • Administrative Walk-throughs
  • Self-Assessment and Peer Coaching
  • Student surveys
  • Teacher Portfolio (optional)
Student Learning and Achievement Teachers must use data from valid and reliable assessments aligned to standards to monitor the academic achievement of students. Teachers will annually develop a Student Learning Goal. This goal must have the following components:

  • A goal statement
  • Identification of growth-focused or standards-focused
  • Identification of the standard(s) on which the goal is based
  • Implementation overview
  • ​Means of assessment
  • Goals are approved by the administrator and monitored throughout the year.
Individual Growth and Development An Individual Growth and Development plan based on setting and working toward goals for a teacher’s professional growth. May include professional development activities, evidence of application in the classroom or professional learning community. May include professional development activities, evidence of application in the classroom or professional learning community.

  • Teachers create their three-year Individual Growth and Development Plan with their peer observer, PLC and/or administrator
  • Teachers in their first or second year at Bluffview create a one-year observation plan
A professional portfolio is a collection of a teacher’s work that documents professional growth and includes the teacher’s own reflection on and assessment of his or her work. Will include the following:

An option for teachers to develop and present a portfolio demonstrating evidence of reflection and professional growth. Portfolio evidence may include student work, lesson plans, research, websites, correspondence, etc.

Participation in a Professional Learning Community A group of educators committed to working collaboratively in an ongoing process of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve. Participants collaborate with colleagues on professional learning goals (may select to link this to their student learning goal), learn by doing, reflect on their experiences and share new insights and strategies with one another.
Job-Embedded Professional Development Planned and purposeful learning that occurs while teachers and administrators engage in their daily work. The annual evaluation process for teachers must coordinate staff development activities with the evaluation process and teachers’ evaluation outcomes. Needs to include the following:

  • Annual review of the basic components of the teacher evaluation program
  • Three-year cycle of professional learning opportunities that emphasize the four major areas of the Frameworks for Learning
  • Professional learning opportunities focused on the elements of the Student Learning Goals
  • Time for teachers to work on elements of the teacher evaluation program
Mentoring and Induction Mentoring is a structured, non-evaluative support process in which a highly skilled and experienced educator facilitates a colleague’s development, with a focus on improving instructional practice. A mentorship program is in place that focuses on teachers in their first and second years at Bluffview Montessori School.